
Friday, March 20, 2020

Video Series: How to Use Google Classroom

Google Classroom is a powerful tool that allows teachers and students to create assignments, turn in work, grade assignments, share resources, have class discussions, and much more.

Classroom is constantly improving with new features. To help schools make the most out of Classroom, I have put together a series of videos on how to use this tool.

My goal for these videos is to keep them as short as possible, and have each one cover just a single topic. This way users can find just the information they need and can watch it quickly. Also, since Google Classroom gets frequent updates, it will be easier for me to replace a small video when it becomes outdated with a new version.

I plan to continue adding more videos to this series, so please let me know what Google Classroom topics or questions you would like me to address in a future video. See below for the current list of my Classroom help videos.

Google Classroom Help Videos

You can use the links below to open each video on YouTube, or scroll further down to watch any of the videos embedded in this blog post.
  • How to Create a Classroom (3 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Add Students (3 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Post to the Stream (4 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Add Materials to the Classwork Page (4 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Create an Assignment on the Classwork Page (7 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How Students Complete Assignments (5 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Grade Assignments (5 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to Create Self-Grading Quizzes in Google Classroom (8 minutes) - YouTube link
  • Google Meet Integration with Google Classroom (6 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to use Rubrics in Classroom (7 minutes) - YouTube link
  • How to use Originality Reports in Classroom (8 minutes) - YouTube link

How to Create a Classroom (3 minutes)

How to Add Students (3 minutes)

How to Post to the Stream (4 minutes)

How to Add Materials to the Classwork Page (4 minutes)

How to Create an Assignment on the Classwork Page (7 minutes)

How Students Complete Assignments (5 minutes)

How to Grade Assignments (5 minutes)

How to Create Self-Grading Quizzes (8 minutes)

Google Meet Integration with Google Classroom (6 minutes)

How to use Rubrics in Google Classroom (7 minutes)

How to use Originality Reports in Classroom (8 minutes)

Post by Eric Curts. Connect with me on Twitter at


  1. Watched the entire series - great refresher. Thank you

  2. Eric Thank you so much for all your hard work. Definitely the best and easiest to follow videos on Classroom!

  3. My parent cannot get in my classroom with the code given it tells them it is invalid. Could you tell me what is wrong please?

  4. My parents are not able to get in to my classroom it tells them invalid code. Could you please tell me what is wrong?


    Sharon Johnson

  5. Thank you for your clear and easy descriptions on the use of google classroom. However, can you create a video on how to covert word docs and non google docs into google docs. for students to interact in google classroom. It will be very useful.

  6. Is there a way to add a co-teacher to a class?

  7. Your videos were very helpful! Thank you so much!

  8. This was very helpful :-)

  9. Great descriptions! Feel better about using the tool.

  10. Hello Eric:
    Excellent tutorial. My preferred online tool, Schoology, is struggling with the massive influx of activity so I'm working quickly to move my classwork to G-Classroom. A high five to you ... oops ... social distancing, so I'd better go with only a hearty THANK YOU.

  11. Great presentation and super easy to follow.
    Thanks so much Eric
