Saturday, June 23, 2018

My 2018 ISTE Sessions

I am excited and honored to once again present at the 2018 ISTE Conference in Chicago this June 24th through 27th.

I always look forward to this opportunity to see old friends, make new friends, share some ideas, and learn so many new things from others.

Below is a list of sessions I will be presenting at the ISTE Conference, along with any associated resources. Please feel free to join me for any of these sessions. I look forward to sharing, learning, and chatting with you!

My Sessions:

Sunday, June 24th

  • Google Tools for Struggling Students
    6/24 - 10:30–11:30 am - Location: W186b
    Session resources:
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: There are many Google tools, apps, extensions, and features available to assist struggling learners or students with special needs. These include text-to-speech, speech-to-text, and apps that aid readability, reading comprehension, organization, focus and more. Learn what tools are available and how to access and use them with students. 

  • ISTE Ignite Session - The Big Blank Wall 
    6/24 - 3:00–4:30 pm - Location: W181a
    Session resources:
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: The world is changing and our classrooms need to change as well. What skills do our students need to be successful in their future? And how do we as educators embrace this change? Take a trip with Eric back to his first classroom to learn about the difference between "Process" and "Purpose", to see what the future holds for our students, and explore the 4 C's we need to teach our students to prepare them for what is ahead.

Monday, June 25th

  • Beyond the Slideshow: Unleashing Student Creativity with Google Slides
    6/25 - 8:30–10:00 am - Location: Hyatt Regency Hyde A
    Session resources:
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: Google Slides is much more than just a tool for traditional presentations. Learn how students can be truly creative with Google Slides for "Choose Your Own Adventure" style stories, interactive quizzes, online comic strips, digital storybooks, video mashups, peer feedback, stop-motion animation, drag-and-drop manipulatives and more. 

  • Make Google Slides Interactive and Engaging with the Free Pear Deck Add-on
    6/25 - 2:30–2:50 pm - Location: EdTechTeam Booth #1828
    Session resources:
    Description: Slideshow don't have to be boring! With the free Pear Deck add-on for Google Slides you can add interactivity to your presentations. You can transform existing slides with text response, number response, multiple choice, drawing, and draggable elements for students. Or you can add from the dozens of pre-made interactive templates to engage and assess your students. Turn your slideshows into tools for engagement, interactivity, feedback, and assessment!

  • Google Tools You've Probably Never Heard Of
    6/25 - 3:30–4:00 pm - Location: W192c
    Session resources:
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: Learn about lesser-known Google tools for that you can use in the classroom inlcuding nGram, Google Trends, AutoDraw, Toontastic, Smarty Pins, Poly, Meme Buddy, Mystery Animal, Science Journal, Semantris, Grasshopper, Art Palette & much more!

Tuesday, June 26th

  • Free Image Sites and Tools for Schools
    6/26 - 12:30-12:50 pm - Location: Pear Deck booth #2602
    Session resources:
    Description: A picture is worth a thousand words, but it might also be worth a thousand dollars if your school gets hit with a copyright violation claim. Thankfully there are loads of great sites that provide teachers and students with high quality pictures that can be used in school projects without any licensing concerns. Come learn about these valuable sites and tools!

  • Engaging ELA Activities With Google Docs
    6/26 - 2:45–3:45 pm - Location: W194b
    Session resources:
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: Looking for ways to techify your language arts activities? Explore engaging hands-on literacy activities with Google Docs, including "Black Out" activities for comprehension and writing, interactive "Choose Your Own Adventure" stories, summarization skills with the word count tool, and fun ways to use emojis for reading and writing.

Wednesday, June 27th

  • Get Goog-Smacked: An Epic Smackdown of G Suite Tools and Teaching Tips
    6/27 - 10:30–11:30 am - Location: W375/Skyline
    Session resources: Google Slides link
    ISTE session page: Website link
    Description: Join a high-energy panel of Google Suite pros to learn about best practices and tips from K-12. During this smackdown, panelists will share at least 50 tips and examples of how to use G Suite tools across all subject areas and grade levels, including some of the latest innovations.

Connect with Me

I would love to stay connected with you after the conference. Please feel free to connect with me in any of the ways listed below:

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