Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Using Rubrics in Google Classroom

Rubrics are a popular and helpful tool for assessment. You are probably already familiar with what a rubric is, but if not… A rubric is an evaluation tool that uses several criteria, rather than just one score, to assess a student’s skills or performance on a continuum of how well they have mastered those skills.

A rubric can be very helpful for you and your students:
  • It lets students know what is expected and provides detailed assessment feedback.
  • It also helps guide your instruction and encourages consistency when grading.

There are many tools for creating and using rubrics, but thankfully this feature is also built right into Google Classroom. To help out I have put together a short 7-minute video on using rubrics in Google Classroom including:
  • Creating a rubric from scratch
  • Reusing a rubric from another class or assignment
  • Importing a rubric from a Google Sheets template
  • Attaching a rubric to an assignment
  • Grading an assignment with the rubric

See below for the video with all the detailed steps, as well as a link to the Google Sheet rubric template.

Tutorial Video (7 minutes)

Note: See all of my Google Classroom help videos here:


Post by Eric Curts. Connect with me on Twitter at twitter.com/ericcurts

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