Sunday, October 2, 2022

4 Googley Halloween Activities

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I already love the Fall with the change in temperature, beautiful leaves, and the smell of logs in our fireplace.

And Halloween is one of the high points. I love walking my grandkids around their neighborhood as we go trick-or-treating, and try my best not to eat too much of their candy.

Most years I even try to dress up for the occasion, although having a beard does somewhat limit my options. My go-to costume recently has been none other than Bob Ross!

Another favorite thing I have done is to create Halloween-themed educational activities with Google tools including:

🎃 Build a Jack-O-Lantern with Google Slides

👻 Halloween Rebus Stories with Emojis and Google Docs

🦇 Halloween Drag and Drop Poetry with Google Drawings

💀 Skittles and Google Sheets Math Activities

For convenience I decided to pull all of them together in one blog post. See below for details on each activity and links to the resources and templates.

🎃 Build a Jack-O-Lantern with Google Slides

In this Google Slides activity:
  • Students get a blank pumpkin and slides full of eyes, mouths, arms, feet, and more.
  • They copy and paste the items onto their pumpkin to create their own Jack-O-Lantern.
  • If they want they can add their own items, shapes, and images as well.
  • When done, they write about their Jack-O-Lantern and share their creation.
You can get your own copy of the template, as well as a tutorial video and written directions here:

👻 Rebus Stories with Google Docs Emojis

In this Google Docs activity:
  • Students write a "Rebus Story" which is a combination of words and pictures.
  • In the document they are provided with a collection of Halloween-themed emojis.
  • As they write their story they can copy and paste the emojis into their story.
  • If they need different ones, they can add new ones from the "Insert" then "Emoji" menus.
  • When done they can share their creation.
You can get your own copy of the template, as well as detailed written directions here:
  • Create Halloween Rebus Stories with Emojis and Google Docs - Blog post link

🦇 Drag and Drop Poetry with Google Drawings

In this Google Drawings activity:
  • Students create a drag-and-drop poem.
  • On the left side of the canvas there are 100 common words.
  • On the right side of the canvas there are 88 Halloween-themed words.
  • Students can drag and drop the words onto the canvas to create their poem.
  • If needed they can add their own words.
  • When done they can share their poetry creation.
You can get your own copy of the template, as well as a tutorial video and written directions here:

💀 Skittles and Google Sheets Math Activities

In this Google Sheets activity:
  • Students use Skittles to practice math skills including estimating, counting, comparing, adding, dividing, and graphing.
  • Students have a bag of Skittle and the spreadsheet takes them step-by-step through the math activities.
  • The sheet checks their work as they go by using conditional formatting to color the answer red if they are incorrect and green if the answer is right.
You can get your own copy of the template, as well as a tutorial video and written directions here:

🏁 Conclusion

If you do any of these activities I would love to hear how they go and see some of your students' creations. I welcome any suggestions for improvement or extensions to make these activities even better!

Post by Eric Curts
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