Friday, June 23, 2023

Join the Control Alt Achieve Facebook Group

I am excited to announce the launch of the "Control Alt Achieve" Facebook group!

There are many ways that I communicate and share EdTech resources including this blog, Twitter, YouTube, my newsletter, and more.

Although those are effective ways to share out information, those methods are not always the best for discussions and connections and community.

To help with this I recently created a Google Group for email discussion which has grown to become a wonderful community of connected educators. I would encourage you to join that group if you haven't yet!

To build on this, and to provide people with another option, I have now created a Facebook Group to serve as an additional "Control Alt Achieve" discussion group. Anyone with an interest in educational technology is welcome to join.

See below for all the details and I am so excited to connect with and learn from you!

📋 About the Group

The purpose of this Facebook group is to provide a convenient way for educators interested in educational technology to:
  • Share resources
  • Ask questions
  • Stay up-to-date on EdTech
  • Connect with other amazing educators.
I will periodically share resources through this group, but I encourage you to participate as well.

Please share your ideas, resources, tech tools, suggestions, questions, professional development opportunities, and more. This is a community and you are what makes it helpful and valuable for everyone here!

✅ Join the Group

Anyone with an interest in educational technology can join this group at:


I look forward to learning with you!

Post by Eric Curts
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