Friday, December 22, 2023

EdTech Cool Tool - Enlighten AI

This post is Day 22 of my "Cool Tools 2023" series where we are exploring some of the year's best tools for teaching and learning.

This year we are focusing on artificial intelligence tools and how they can be used in schools.

You can access all of the cool tools in the series as they come out at and in this Google Slideshow.

For this entry in the series we are taking a look at: EnlightenAI

See below for details, directions, uses, and links for this artificial intelligence resource. If you have used this tool, please consider sharing your experiences, how you have used it, tips, tricks, and more.

▶️ Video Demo (7 minutes)

💡 EnlightenAI

EnlightenAI is an AI-powered tool to grade written student work based off of your style and guidance.
  • Create an assignment or import submissions from Google.
  • Grade a few student submission to train the AI.
  • Review and edit AI generated feedback, modeled after yours.

Personalized, detailed feedback is critical for student writing, however the challenge has always been how long it takes to create. AI tools can generate feedback, but unfortunately it can be impersonal and disconnected from your style. 

With EnlightenAI you can train an AI to know how you grade, what is important to you, and what is your style of communicating. The AI can then provide grading and feedback modeled after you, which you can use or build from, saving hours of time.

Here is how Enlighten AI works...

🏫 Classes

EnlightenAI can work with Google Classroom classes or with classes that you manually create in the system. The functionality will be the same either way.

Option 1 - Manual Class Setup

If you want to set up a class manually:
  • Go to the "Classes" tab and click "Create Class".
  • This will open the "Create Class" window.
  • Here you can enter the Class Title, Section, Class Subject, and Grade Level.
  • Click "Done" when finished.

Students can now join your class with either an Invite Link or a Class Code.
  • Invite Link - Simply share the link with the students so they can click the link and join the class.
  • Class Code - When students log into EnlightenAI they can enter the code to join your class.

Option 2 - Google Classroom Sync

In addition to manually creating classes, you can simply sync over classes that you already have in Google Classroom.
  • Go to the "Classes" tab and click "Sync Google Classes".
  • This will open a window where you can select the class (or classes) that you want to sync over.
  • Once you have selected the classes, click "Sync selected Classes".
  • The Google Classes will now be synced over into EnlightenAI.
  • Watch the 2-minute Google Classroom Syncing tutorial - YouTube link

You will now be able to access all of your classes from the "Classes" tab, including the manually created classes and those that were synced over from Google Classroom.

📝 Assignments

Assignments can be synced over from Google Classroom, or they can be manually created in the system.

Option 1 - Manual Assignment Setup
  • Go to the "Assignments" tab and click "Create New Assignment".
  • Fill in the assignment details including:
    • Assignment Title
    • Assign to Classes - choose the classes to get the assignment
    • Instructions - Optional details for the students
    • Prompt - The required prompt the students will respond to
  • Click "Publish Assignment" when done.
  • Watch the 2-minute Create Assignment tutorial - YouTube link

Option 2 - Google Assignment Sync
  • Go to the "Assignments" tab and click "Sync Assignments".
  • The system will bring over any assignment from your synced classes.

☑️ Rubrics

To grade your assignments you will need a rubric. You can set up as many rubrics as you need. Once you have set up a rubric, you can use it anytime you need. To set up a rubric:
  • Go to the "Rubrics" tab and click "Create Rubric".
  • This will open a page where you can create a "Quick Rubric" or an "Advanced Rubric".
For a "Quick Rubric"
  • Enter the Rubric Title.
  • Enter the Criterion Title and Point Scale.
  • Add more categories if needed.
  • Click "Save Rubric" when done.
  • Watch the 2-minute Quick Rubric tutorial - YouTube link
For an "Advanced Rubric"
  • Enter the Rubric Title.
  • Enter the Criterion Title.
  • Add the Levels for that criterion.
  • For each Level enter the Point Scale, Level Title, and Level Description.
  • Add more categories if needed.
  • Click "Save Rubric" when done.
  • Watch the 2-minute Advanced Rubric tutorial - YouTube link

💯 Grading

To grade an assignment:
  • Go to the "Assignments" tab and click on an assignment.
  • Choose a rubric to grade with in one of three ways:
    • Create Rubric - make a new rubric from scratch
    • Select Rubric - simply use a rubric you have created before
    • Reuse Past Setup - choose a previously graded assignment to reuse the same rubric and to reuse the same AI training model
    • Watch the 2-minute Reusing a Past Setup tutorial - YouTube link
  • When ready, click "Start Grading".

Note: You will now receive some quick Important Reminders before you being grading:
  • Detail Early, Ease Later - Providing thorough, exemplar feedback on the first few submissions trains the Al to give you better, more accurate suggestions later.
  • Protect Student Privacy - We go to great lengths to shield personally identifiable information, but it's still best practice to avoid inputting this information into Al systems.
  • Click "Let's Go" to start.

You will now begin by manually grading and providing feedback for at least one, but most likely a few, of your students' assignments. This will train the AI on how you grade and the style of feedback you give. After that you can use the AI to grade the rest of the assignments (and of course editing as needed).

To manually grade:
  • Enter your "Rubric Scores".
  • Enter your "Feedback".
  • Click "Save and Continue".

The AI training percentage will continue to increase as it learns your grading criteria and feedback style. After manually grading a few students, you can have the AI begin to do the grading.

To have the AI do the grading:
  • Click "AI Generate Score & Feedback".
  • The AI will score the assignment and provide feedback based on the rubric you have provided, as well as how you have graded this assignment so far and the content and style of your the feedback you have previously written.
You can override the AI:
  • You can make changes to the Rubric Scores the AI chose.
  • You can edit the Feedback the AI generated, or replace it entirely with your own words.
  • Click "Save and Continue" if you make any change to save your changes and to continue to train the AI model.
When you all all finished with the grading you will return to the assignment screen with a summary of the grading.

You can now send the grades and feedback to your students.
  • Click the "Bulk Feedback Options" button.
  • Send all feedback by Email - Share feedback with all students simultaneously
  • Send all feedback by PDF - Generate a common class PDF report
  • Post Individual Announcements - Sent via Google Classroom
  • Watch the 2-minute Sending Feedback tutorial - YouTube link

💰 Pricing

EnlightenAI is currently free. They have indicated that they plan to charge later on for premium features, but there will always be a free version for teachers.

🧰 Resources
Be sure to check out the other blog posts in the "Cool Tools 2023" series at and in the Google Slideshow.

For additional AI videos, resource documents, blog posts, and more, be sure to check out my main AI resource page at:

And if you are looking for AI professional development, please consider bringing me to your school, organization, or conference. I have a wide range of AI-related training sessions which you can see in my PD catalog here:

Post by Eric Curts
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